A financial loan extended to members who engaged in business to generate additional income.
This includes but not limited to working capital, to purchase additional goods for sale or for
salaries to workers and other overhead costs.
Borrowers Eligibility
a) Has attended the Pre-membership seminar (PMES)
b) Has a minimum share capital of Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10,000.00)
c) The member/borrower is currently engaged or planning to engaged a livelihood activity
d) Members in Good Standing are those members who make deposits both in savings and on
share capital, attend and participate actively in KMPC meetings and other related
cooperative activities, patronize the services of the cooperative and is not a delinquent
Loanable Amount
The Board of Directors shall determine the amount of loan based on the 5 Cs of credit
(character, capacity to pay, capital, collateral/co-maker and conditions)
The potential and viability of his/her business and the credit worthiness of the member borrower
A member-borrower can avail a maximum amount of Php250,000.00 provided that his/her
loan portfolio does not exceed 5x of his/her fixed deposit, provided, that the net take home
pay of the member-borrower should not be less that 30% of his/her gross salary after
payroll deduction.
Interest rate:
The loan shall bear an interest rate of 10% per annum based diminishing balance method
Administrative Charges
A service fee of 1% based on the approved loan amount
Loan Retention:
A loan retention of 2% based on the approved loan amount, and shall be credited to the member’s fixed deposit account
Terms and mode of payment:
The terms of loan shall be maximum of three (3) years.
Mode of payment shall be semi-monthly through payroll deduction.
Other Requirements:
Simple business plan
Business permit / DTI permit – current year
Barangay permit
Pictures of existing business
At least two (2) co-makers or depending on the requirement/s of the approving authorities
Processing Period:
Maximum of two (2) weeks
Approving Authorities:
The loan shall be approved by the Board of Directors, with the recommendation of Credit Committee Chairperson
Open to all members who are greatly affected by current calamity.
Borrowers Eligibility:
Has attended the Pre-membership seminar (PMES)
Has complied with the minimum share capital of Php3,000.00
Members in Good Standing are those members who make deposits both in savings and on
share capital, attend and participate actively in KMPC meetings and other related
cooperative activities, patronize the services of the cooperative and is not a delinquent
Loanable Amount
Maximum loanable amount of Php20,000.00 or depending on the assessment of the approving officer
Interest rate:
The loan shall bear an interest rate of 1% per month based diminishing balance method
Administrative Charges:
No Service
Terms and mode of payment:
Maximum payment terms is 24 months or 2 years.
Mode of payment is semi-monthly through payroll deduction.
Can be availed by members whose children either biological or legally adopted are currently enrolled or about to be enrolled.
Borrowers Eligibility:
Has attended the Pre-membership seminar (PMES)
Has complied with the minimum share capital of Php3,000.00
Members in Good Standing are those members who make deposits both in savings and on
share capital, attend and participate actively in KMPC meetings and other related
cooperative activities, patronize the services of the cooperative and is not a delinquent
Loanable Amount
Maximum loanable amount of Php20,000.00.
Interest rate:
The loan shall bear an interest rate of 1% per month based diminishing balance method.
Administrative Charges:
A service fee of 1% based on the applied amount.
Terms and mode of payment:
Maximum payment terms is 12 months.
Mode of payment is semi-monthly through payroll deduction.
Other Requirements:
Net take home pay of the member should not be less than 30% of the gross salary after all payroll deductions
Should submit current study load of the student, or a statement of account released by the school
Is a type of loan open to members in good standing who wants to purchase a new gadget, appliances or a jewelry.
Borrowers Eligibility:
Has attended the Pre-membership seminar (PMES)
Has complied with the minimum share capital of Php10,000.00
Members in Good Standing are those members who make deposits both in savings and on
share capital, attend and participate actively in KMPC meetings and other related
cooperative activities, patronize the services of the cooperative and is not a delinquent
Loanable Amount
Maximum loanable amount of Php100,000.00.
Interest rate:
The loan shall bear an interest rate of 1% per month based diminishing balance method.
Administrative Charges:
A service fee of 1% based on the applied amount.
Terms and mode of payment:
Maximum payment terms is 24 months or 2 years.
Mode of payment is semi-monthly through payroll deduction.
Is a type of loan granted to members in good standing (MIGS) who are in urgent need of
financial assistance to answer their needs including but not limited to renewal of driver’s
license, purchase of medicine, payment for personal or house bills.
Borrowers Eligibility:
Has attended the Pre-membership seminar (PMES)
Has complied with the minimum share capital of Php3,000.00
Members in Good Standing are those members who make deposits both in savings and on
share capital, attend and participate actively in KMPC meetings and other related
cooperative activities, patronize the services of the cooperative and is not a delinquent
Loanable Amount
Maximum loanable amount is Php3,000.00or not more than 100% of the total fixed
Interest rate:
The loan shall bear an interest rate of 1.5% per month based diminishing balance method.
Administrative Charges:
A service fee of Php50.00 regardless of the amount applied.
Terms and mode of payment:
Maximum payment terms is three months
Mode of payment is semi-monthly through payroll deduction..